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5 Signs You Are Ready For Outpatient Treatment

Substance abuse disorders continue to plague millions of victims and their families every year. It’s a serious issue that requires long-term treatment options. As of today, there are two main treatment options for alcohol or substance abuse.

The first one is inpatient rehab which means that the patient has to check into a facility for full-time supervision, and guidance in their recovery. The second option is an outpatient treatment where the patient either lives in their own home or a supportive sober living environment, but will report multiple days per week for similar guidance in their recovery, depending on the severity of the addiction.

Outpatient treatment is also used as a transitional stage between inpatient rehab and long-term, continued recovery. 

Unsure if outpatient treatment is the best course of action for you? Check out the following 5 signs that you are ready for outpatient treatment.

1. You are completing inpatient rehab

Inpatient rehab isn’t forever. After a period of time and significant progress, the patient will complete the program and reintegrate with society. The next step is usually to step down the level of care from an inpatient setting, to outpatient treatment.

Outpatient treatment is a good next step because it allows the patient to carry out his responsibilities. It’s unrealistic to expect anyone to have all the time in the world to commit to recovery. With outpatient treatment, the patient has time to continue education or get back into the workforce.

Outpatient treatment involves numerous treatment methods like intensive therapy, continued education, and counseling. This allows the institution to keep a close eye on the patient and to ensure that the things he learned during inpatient therapy are still being applied outside the facility. There may also be random drug or alcohol testing just to ensure that the patient is staying clean.

It should be noted that not every patient can automatically be qualified for outpatient treatment. There are extensive assessments and interviews that quantify his readiness to rejoin society. This transition is done gradually so that the patient can fully prepare and nothing interrupts their healing process.

2. You want to get back to work.

Alcoholics and drug addicts are no exception to the need to work so that they can pay the bills. Outpatient treatment options are better for employed patients because it allows them to have time to balance their recovery and their obligations to themselves or their families.

Outpatient treatment usually involves multiple sessions a week, depending on the severity of the addiction. Over time, it can step down to even a single session per week which often involves group counseling. The patient’s progress is recorded so that the treatments can be adjusted accordingly. The goal of Drug and Alcohol treatment centers is to fully reintegrate the client as a contributing member of society.

For most people, jobs do more than just paying the bills. It gives patients a driving force to get up every day and to regain a sense of purpose. It also gives them a sense of belongingness so that they will feel less alone which will lessen the chances of a relapse.

3. You notice that standard therapy no longer works on you

Outpatient treatment is a great option if other drug addiction treatments no longer work. For example, some clients cannot attain complete recovery in inpatient settings because they lack the real-world scenarios and stressors they will soon face in their day-to-day life. Others may transition to outpatient treatments from intensive outpatient therapy because it’s time to put the education and learned tools into practical application

It’s unrealistic to expect that every treatment plan will be effective on every single patient. All patients have different triggers, biological compositions, and even histories with substance abuse which means that no blanket treatment can cater to everyone. If you feel like you are stuck in a rut with your current treatment plan, then maybe it’s time to move on and into an outpatient setting.

4. You are eager to get and stay clean

Some patients make the mistake of immediately setting off on their own after inpatient rehab. Outpatient rehab must not be underestimated because it provides a transitional phase for patients who are really determined to become and stay clean.

The thing about addiction is that the signs that you are recovered are very misleading. Your feelings are frequently very volatile and the slightest stressful scenario or the appearance of an old trigger can push you to an unfortunate relapse.

An inpatient rehabilitation center gets you clean through a detox and stabilization process. These centers try to arm you with the tools to help you gain full independence and control over physical dependence. However, it must be recognized that it’s not that easy. It’s safer to assume that you are still very much susceptible to a relapse.

That’s why outpatient treatment is so beneficial. It gives you a guiding hand that helps you to navigate through life knowing you’re not alone. Experts will even be able to check up on you every now and then. Meeting with your support group will help you understand it’s okay to struggle and help you resist urges, they will also help you stay proud of your success, knowing that you can do it one day at a time. 

5. You are required to go due to court-mandated therapy

Outpatient treatment can be another option if a court orders treatment or therapy. If you get into unfortunate legal trouble, often Attorneys will recommend getting professional help to show the courts a person’s interest and commitment in correcting the behavior in question. Other times, the outcome of a court case may require proof of completion of a program as part of the outcome of a case. 

Engaging in court-mandated outpatient therapy sessions will be very similar and often indistinguishable from regular outpatient treatment. It’s also a good way to ensure that you are taking good care of yourself and working diligently to reintegrate into the society where you belong.

Picking A Rehab Program

The healing process will be accelerated if you partner with a reputable entity. A quick search for “outpatient treatment near me” or “outpatient alcohol treatment near me” will reveal countless viable options that you can choose from. Each outpatient drug treatment center has its own pros and cons which you must assess before enrolling. 

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At R&R Recovery, clients receive individualized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs, emphasizing strengths and providing intensive outpatient programs to build essential skills and resources for a life free from addictive behaviors.

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