Home / Outpatient / IOP Treatment

Huntington Beach, CA

Outpatient / IOP Treatment

Addiction recovery is a process, and outpatient treatment is one step along the way.

At R&R Recovery, clients can find the level of support they need to continue moving forward in recovery through outpatient and intensive outpatient (IOP) treatment programs.

These programs are a good fit for indivisuals who have completed residential treatment and could benefit from continued structure and support as they integrate back into the community.

How Does Outpatient Treatment Differ from residential treatment?

While there are similarities between the two programs, the main difference is that clients in outpatient treatment programs do not stay at the facility 24/7. They attend different groups and therapies for a few hours per day several days a week, but at night they return home or to a sober living facility. Clients have more independence but also greater accountability for the choices they make to support their continued sobriety.

How Does IOP Treatment Work?

Clients enrolled in R&R Recovery's IOP or outpatient programs receive the same high quality, person-centered approach to care as they would in any of the organization's other programs.

Upon admission, an individualized treatment plan is created that is tailored to each client's unique needs and goals. It takes into account where they currently are in the recovery process and what services may be most beneficial.

IOP treatment incorporates not only group and individual therapy but also activities that focus on:

  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Coping skills
  • Vocational training
  • Educational seminars
  • Relapse prevention

Because clients are out and about in the community, there is a focus on real-world skills to effectively manage the challenges they face.

As issues arise, clients can discuss them with therapists, counselors, and peers in order to promote healthy decision making and coping skills. They can immediately apply what are they are learning as they return home each day.

What Approaches to Treatment are Used?

R&R Recovery uses an integral approach to treatment because there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Clients all go through their own experiences, and a therapeutic modality that may work well for one person may not be as effective for the next. That is why it is important to take a multifaceted approach. Treatment at R&R Recovery includes:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
  • Person-Centered Therapy
  • Gestait Therapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Psychodynamic Techniques

In addition, clients are often involved in other evidence-based and trauma-informed approaches to care including:

  • Mindfulness
  • Experiental Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Music Therapy

If you are ready to keep moving forward in addiction recovery and building a substance-free lifestyle you love, outpatient or IOP treatment may be an effective next step in your journey. Turn to R&R Recovery for individualized care that incorporates diverse therapeutic modalities to meet you where you are in the recovery process and support

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Frequently Asked Questions

The admissions process at R&R Recovery is pretty straightforward and simple. It consists of, first, a pre-assessment, which can be done over the phone or in person. It typically lasts anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. If the pre-assessment goes well and you think it's a good fit and we think you're a good fit for the program, we'll proceed with the admissions process. You can expect that to take anywhere from two to four hours, and that will include a ton of different assessments with a primary counselor here, and then also a psychiatric assessment with our medical director.

So our Intensive Outpatient Program is primarily geared towards treating addiction. However, co-occurring mental health disorders are extremely common in people who are suffering from addiction. So, because of that, our therapy groups or counseling groups are geared towards treating just those things: anxiety, depression, stress, worry, sleep problems. All of those things because they play a major role in a person's addiction.

When we talk about commitment in an IOP program, what we're talking about is a personal commitment to your own recovery as opposed to doing it on your own, which is completely possible. The biggest part about coming into an IOP program is you're surrounded by like-minded individuals with professionals who are geared towards cultivating a healthy routine in your life.

What we do is we help set up a nice structure, a day full of education, including outings, trips to the beach, and including all the fun stuff that our clientele is going to want to stay engaged and activated. The whole purpose of this treatment is to show that when you come in, we've been making life decisions that are not getting us where we want to go. And by showing them that just with a little bit of education and a little bit of healthy routine and some new healthy living examples, that their lives are actually able to flourish and it's no longer a priority in their life to continue harming themselves. They're actually getting a lot better where they can go out and have a life that they always wanted, but they just didn't know how to achieve it.

We hang out, we have a bunch of fun. You leave, and at the end of the day, you look back as an alumni coming to alumni group saying, "You know, what I did there really wasn't that wrong, it wasn't that bad. And this new outlook on life I have is really, really rewarding." And that's what gets people to stay in the real long term—the positive outcomes that we've come to expect at our treatment program.

A lot of phone calls that I will get will be from loved ones, friends, families, parents, mothers, concerned wives, even children will call and say, "What do we do? We have somebody we really care about having a problem with either alcohol, prescription pills, drugs." It's a tough position and I empathize with them. I think we've all seen it and just because of what we do here, we get to see it more often than not. I think the most important thing to do would probably just be have an honest conversation with the person and let them know that you're concerned about the behaviors, the health, the well-being of the individual. But beyond that, there's really not a lot you can do about forcing somebody's hand. We work with adults, we don't work with anybody under the age of 18. So everybody we work with, they're in charge of their destiny when they come in to our care. There are our clients, I understand that parents will be concerned about their kids, and kids will be concerned about their parents and sending their loved one in, but as soon as they enter our care, they're our first priority. If they have no interest in getting sober or getting clean, or living an abstinence-based lifestyle, it's not our job to convince them that it is. We understand that it becomes really serious and you're really concerned, especially when you're drinking heavily or using heavily. Obviously, the judgment you're making is not always in your own best interest. But if you have somebody that you're really concerned about, a loved one you're really concerned about, the most important thing would just be try to be honest and let them know that you're concerned and then ask them if if they have any interest in trying something new or trying to turn it around. And if they do, we're happy to have that phone call. And that's kind of where we would come in as a treatment provider, being able to do an assessment and just finding out if they're tired of living the way they're living or if they want to see a change in their own life and if they do, that's where we can help.

At R&R Recovery, we're big proponents of having family, supportive friends, involved in your treatment, so we absolutely support family visits or friends' visiting. However, we do recommend at least during the first two to three weeks, allowing the client to get acclimated and build rapport with the treatment team before this occurs.

Having a loved one who's struggling with either alcoholism or drug addiction can be extremely tough and should not be dealt with alone. If you're experiencing this right now and you're unsure how to approach it, please give us a call and we can do our best to help guide you.

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About R&R Recovery

At R&R Recovery, clients receive individualized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs, emphasizing strengths and providing intensive outpatient programs to build essential skills and resources for a life free from addictive behaviors.

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Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). R&R Recovery – License # 300379AP, Exp. 02/28/2025 | The Road – License # 30063AP, Exp. 08/31/2024

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