Why Opioids Are Dangerous
Any person who uses opioids runs the danger of becoming addicted. It depends on your personal history and how long you’ve used opioids, but it’s impossible to predict who will eventually become addicted to and abuse these medicines. This is why understanding the risks of opioids is crucial since overuse can result in death.
According to the Centers for Disease Control,l Opioids are involved in roughly 75% of drug overdoses in 2020. So it goes without saying that many people nowadays are enticed by the euphoric, relaxing effects of opiates. The majority of overdose deaths in the United States occur as a result of these substances, whether they are legal or illicit, stolen, or shared.
What are Opioids?
Opioids include prescription medications like oxycodone, Vicodin, morphine, and codeine. These medications are meant to aid users in controlling their pain. Additionally, illegal substances like heroin are opioids and these substances give consumers short-lived pleasure.
Opioid receptors in the brain are where opioids attach. For example, a teenager’s pain and pleasure perception can be managed by the receptors. Although consumers value feeling at ease, if substances are overused, youth risk developing a substance use problem.
Consequently, when people ask, “What are opioids? It is simple to characterize the substance as a highly addictive euphoria-producing stimulant. However, defining the symptoms of opioid use is also crucial. Visiting various doctors to obtain new prescriptions is known as “doctor shopping.”
Here are some symptoms of Opioids abuse:
- Insomnia
- Separation from friends and relatives
- Mood changes
- Lacking a passion for extracurricular activities
- drifting off
- Taking part in risky activities
- Poor academic record
- Unsteady speech
- Stealing cash or valuables to buy opioids
- Having issues with law enforcement
- Unable to complete obligations at home or work
These warning indicators of opioid hazards can have long-term effects on adolescents who are transitioning to adulthood. Therefore, it is important to have conversations that will make it easier for you and your family member or friend that is suffering from opioid abuse to have an honest conversation about opioids and how you can aid in their recovery.
Why are Opioids Dangerous?
It is common practice to give opioid-containing medications to successfully treat pain. Although they can help people control pain, they can also be fatal. The CDC reports that the most often abused prescription opioid is hydrocodone. The fact that 5.5 million Americans aged 12 or older abuse this prescription is the most concerning. Others must engage in dangerous actions to obtain opioids, while other teenagers are able to steal their family members’ medications.
Opioids pose numerous risks, including:
- Low doses- Opioid medicines induce drowsiness and mild numbness in their consumers. A user’s breathing and heart rate can be slowed down if the dose is increased, though. A coma or death may result from slowing the heartbeat and breathing.
- Misuse – Overdosing can occur when a prescription is not followed because the user is unaware of the amount. Anyone who takes part in pill parties, when they throw different tablets in a bowl and start experimenting, may find this to be extremely risky.
- Constipation- is chronic and can cause various gastrointestinal disorders, such as nausea, stomach cramps, bloating, vomiting, and stomach pain.
- Heart issues – abnormalities in heart rhythm might raise the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
- Reduced fertility in both men and women – Prolonged use, especially in women, increases the likelihood of miscarriage or high-risk pregnancies.
- Lack of motor coordination and balance – causes clumsiness, which increases the risk of falls and bone fractures.
Looking for help?
Recovery is a lifelong process that is difficult to sustain on your own which is why almost all programs for addiction recovery promote building strong support rooted in guidance and trust. You need genuine support from people who know what you’re going through with guidance and treatment from professionals. Contact R&R Recovery IOP Treatment in Huntington Beach for options, consultation, and more.