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Are You A Good Candidate For IOP? 7 Guidelines

December 28, 2021

Every recovering addict’s history and progress are different. As such, there is no fixed treatment plan that can be recommended to everyone. There are various options to choose from and the circumstances dictate which ones you are qualified for.

An intensive outpatient program (IOP) is the type of outpatient treatment that helps to recover addicts further their progress and maintain sobriety. The patients do not reside in the rehab residential areas or any sober living arrangements. They may stay at home and commit 9 to 20 hours to the treatment each week.

This type of flexibility is what makes IOP appealing to patients. It allows recovering addicts to pursue a relatively normal life since they have ample time to keep a job, spend more time with their loved ones, and more. It allows the participants to have a more active role in society while connecting them to a network of people who are going through the same recovery process. Are you a good candidate for IOP? Here are some guidelines.

Completed Medical Detox

IOP is not recommended as the first step for recovery because it is not that intensive. As such, it is recommended as the next step to primary treatment, particularly for those that have already undergone medical detox.

Medical detox removes the substance from the patient’s system. It is employed in a safe environment so that any withdrawal symptoms can be monitored and supervised by healthcare professionals. After completion, the patient should have more independence from the addictive substance which means that they are ready for a less intensive treatment plan like IOP.

Has Commitments to School or Work

As aforementioned, IOP is an excellent choice for patients who wish to uphold commitments to their job or to pursue an education. This is because IOPs only require 9 to 20 hours of commitment each week. The sessions can be planned according to your schedule which frees up your time to do normal activities. These sessions can also be scheduled during the evenings or on weekends so that your weekdays can be allocated for other things such as school and work.

Has Obligations To The Family

IOPs are great options for parents with young children. These individuals will get the urge to turn their lives around for the sake of their kids but may be unable to be admitted to full-time rehab since they will have to leave their children behind. IOPs allow these types of people to pursue part-time treatment if they do not have a spouse or are unable to find family members who will care for their children in their absence.

Has A Limited Budget

Not everyone has the luxury to spend on inpatient rehab. Rather than forgoing treatment entirely, one can opt for something like IOP. It is cheaper since the patient does not have to get admitted into a residential area with full-time medical assistance. The costs of lodging are eliminated from the equation since the patient can stay at home. The rest of the expenses may be covered by a healthcare insurance plan, or at least partially remedied.

Has A Strong Support System

A strong support system is a necessity for successful recovery. It is provided for inpatient rehab when the patient gets to be surrounded by medical professionals 24/7. However, IOP patients do not share the same luxury. They are only eligible if they have a strong support system at home, which may include friends and family. They can also form their support system through group therapy and 12-step meetings.

Best Learning System

Some patients learn best with continued practice and application. IOPs offer continuous treatment and support. The patients can apply lessons and skills as they are learning them. For some people, experience is the best teacher and this could help them form lifelong habits and healthy coping mechanisms that could last for their lifetimes.

IOPs have life skills training and therapy sessions that teach valuable lessons to the patients. They will be taught how to manage cravings, manage stress, and avoid triggers to prevent relapse. Hands-on learners will benefit from this system because they can try these coping mechanisms every single day. Their learning is also continuous since they get to attend sessions for a long period of time until they feel independent enough to let go.

More Support

For some patients, inpatient rehab may not be enough. Inpatient rehab usually spans 30, 60, or 90 days. While they can always come back, this may be unsustainable for some. Inpatient rehab isolates them from society and at some point, they will need to find a way to rejoin the community and assume their responsibilities.

Finishing inpatient rehab does not mean the end of treatment for some patients. They can continue the emotional and mental support they get from rehab in another less-committal form such as IOP. IOP may serve as a transitional step to recovery since they are still supported even if they are outside of rehab. The sessions will help reinforce everything they learned and strengthen their resolve to stay sober.

There are some disqualifiers for IOP, such as:

·         The presence of co-occurring disorders or chronic illnesses that haven’t been diagnosed and treated properly

·         A home environment that is not supportive of recovery

·         The patient is at a high risk of relapsing

Based on these factors, are you a good candidate for IOP? Contact us for more information and assistance.

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At R&R Recovery, clients receive individualized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs, emphasizing strengths and providing intensive outpatient programs to build essential skills and resources for a life free from addictive behaviors.

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